November 5, 2024
flat lay photography of hand tools

Zana, equipping God’s people for God’s work

Zana is a Swahili word for tools, equipment or weapons.

At Zana Magazine, we are tools in God’s hands to provide you with tools for your Christian walk.

We seek to provide content that builds the body of Christ, that challenges growth and maturity in faith, that inspires Christ-like living and that inspires Christians to be set apart, ready and useful tools for the Master’s work.

Our goal is to see Christians who are:

  1. Growing in their faith
  2. Growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus
  3. Maturing to the full standard of Christ, becoming more and more like Him
  4. No longer babies, tossed about by every wind of doctrine
  5. Holy, useful and ready to serve their Master
  6. Looking forward to our blessed hope, our glorious inheritance when Jesus Christ returns.

We do this through blogs by our pool of Jesus-loving Jesus-serving writers, podcasts, testimonies, profile interviews, devotionals, news highlights and feature articles on many of life’s segments.

Join this community, enjoy the content and be enriched in your faith.

Joy and peace!!

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