July 3, 2024

Book Review: Hunger for Reality

Embarking on a journey of faith and introspection, a small group of kindred spirits has united to inaugurate a haven for literary explorers – the Christian Literature Reading Club.

As we eagerly flip open the pages of our inaugural selection, “Hunger for Reality” by George Verwer, we prepare to be transported to a realm where spiritual fervor meets the tangible, where the ethereal and earthly intertwine in a dance of profound revelation.

In this oasis of enlightenment, we delve into the depths of Verwer’s insights, craving the sustenance of reality, and igniting a hunger for a life brimming with unshakeable purpose. Welcome, fellow seekers, to a literary sojourn that promises to nourish both heart and mind.

Here is a review of the book:

Hunger for Reality is a book by George Verwer that challenges Christians to live a life of radical love and commitment to Christ. Verwer argues that many Christians live a life of spiritual schizophrenia, compartmentalizing their lives into the spiritual and the secular. He calls for Christians to live a life of wholeness, where their faith permeates every aspect of their lives.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part, “Hunger for Reality,” addresses the spiritual schizophrenia that many Christians live with. Verwer argues that this schizophrenia is caused by our dualistic thinking, which separates the spiritual from the physical. He calls for Christians to embrace a holistic view of reality, where the spiritual and the physical are seen as one.

The second part of the book, “The Revolution of Love,” discusses the importance of radical love in the Christian life. Verwer argues that love is the central message of the Bible, and that it is the key to living a life of wholeness. He calls for Christians to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves.

Hunger for Reality is a challenging book, but it is also a hopeful book. Verwer offers a vision of a Christian life that is both radical and practical. He challenges Christians to live a life of wholeness, where their faith permeates every aspect of their lives. He also calls for Christians to love God and love their neighbors with radical love.

Here are some quotes from the book:

  1. The average so-called Bible Christian in our times is but a wretched parody of true sainthood.
  2. We must not allow ourselves to be swept into the soul-binding curse of modern day materialist thinking and living.
  3. The church has held on to structures and many of the doctrines, but it has lost the core of truth that Jesus taught.
  4. The mark of a true disciple, a man of God, is a hunger to know God and his righteousness.
  5. We need a constant hunger and thirst for the nature of Christ to be reproduced in us. We need, too, an awareness of the unending spiritual warfare surrounding us.
  6. In order to be fruitful, the disciple must die to himself. Do not seek to be lifted up; be submerged.
  7. A promised land also awaits the Christian who is willing to move from the wilderness wanderings of self-effort and frustration.
  8. Discipline is good for us and laziness is a great sin.

In the final chapter Verwer gives us six steps to spiritual revolution:

1.Our prayer life
2.Our Bible Study

God set my heart on fire for you!!

Review by:
Kelvin Mulwa

Kelvin Mulwa

Kelvin Mulwa is an ICT professional, Bible student and teacher of the Word who is passionate about leadership training for young people.

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