July 3, 2024

My library is full of puritan authors

Lynne Wanjiku Kihara brings us into her reading world and tells us how picking up a puritan memoir or autobiography reminds her to be thankful in all circumstances.

  1. Origins of the Reading Passion:
    • Can you take us back to the beginning? When did your love for reading first ignite, and what are some of your earliest memories of being captivated by a book? As a girl in lower primary school, I hated reading. But somewhere in the upper classes we read Things Fall Apart with my dad and I was hooked. I remember I would hear dad and mom talk about how their set books were fun. So the first book I read on my own was a play, Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga, and though I did not understand a lot, the play had me in a chokehold. To date, I can still hear some of the iconic lines from it resound in my mind.
  2. Favorite Literary Genres:
    • What genres resonate with you the most, and why do they hold a special place in your heart? I love Christian-nonfiction. As a reformed Christian, my library is full of puritan authors. Their grasp of the major doctrines and their exposition on true Christianity is one I envy. Without fear they echoed the Bible; amidst persecution and all the hardships they were not ashamed of the cross. I love how for every season when I feel like I can’t handle my pain I can pick a puritan memoir or autobiography and I’d be reminded to be thankful through it all. Although I love nonfiction, I make exception for C.S Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia and the Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan; even in them, you are not pointed to self but to Christ.
    • Could you recommend a book from your favorite genre that you believe has the power to change perspectives or lives? Count it All Joy by Helen Roseveare
  3. Literary Exploration:
    • As an avid reader, you’ve likely encountered a multitude of authors and styles. Are there any literary discoveries that caught you by surprise, leading you to explore new horizons? When I first read Joan Thatiah’s (Kenyan writer) Things I Will Tell my Daughter, I loved how simply she writes; not with “big” vocabularies that you see in most books. Her train of thought is simple, clear and persuasive. I was left craving more. Ps. I ended up buying all her books. I like books that keep me thinking for sure.
  4. Impactful Reads:
    • Could you share a book that profoundly influenced your thinking or provided a fresh outlook on life? A Man of the people by Chinua Achebe
    • How did this particular book shape your perspective or inspire personal growth? This particular book follows a satirical writing showcasing the conflict between the old and new generation, the greed and hunger for power and those that want change. It can be easy to be sucked into greed and all the madness that happens in the world around us. Though the book is political, it is easily applicable in our daily life, both in social circles and work places.
  1. Reading Rituals:
    • Many readers have unique habits or rituals associated with their reading time. What are some of yours? I have a chipped cup that I drink from when reading in my house…haha I’ll let you figure out why. 
    • Do you have a favorite reading spot or time of day? I can read any time any day anywhere. But my ideal is sitting by the window where I can gaze outside into nature as I soak up what the author has for me. I am one of those people who put this into consideration when moving to a new house.
  2. Book Recommendations:
    • Our readers are always eager to expand their literary repertoire. Could you suggest a few must-read books that have left a lasting impact on you?

Count it all Joy by Helen Roseveare 

Enough by Helen Roseveare

Kite Runner by Khaled

Indwelling Sin in Believers by John owen

A Chance to Die by Amy Carmichael

Losing Sammy  by Valerie Theng (losing a baby is not easy but this book will help.)

  1. Balancing Life and Reading:
    • In a busy world, finding time for reading can be a challenge. How do you manage to balance your reading passion with other aspects of your life? I am in the medical field so I read everyday. However, away from medical books, I am a spontaneous reader. Anything readable I will read.
  2. Book-Related Goals:
    • Are there any literary goals you’re currently pursuing? Whether it’s a specific reading challenge or a desire to explore a certain theme, we’d love to hear about it. I have a desire to publish my own book. I have actually signed up severally on the writer’s guild account but I somehow get cold feet. Perhaps someday I will be a published author. For now I am currently fascinated by books on mythology, politics and history.
  3. Book Community and Sharing:
    • Engaging with fellow readers can enhance the reading experience. Do you actively participate in book clubs or online reading communities? How do these interactions enrich your reading journey? I have a few friends who love books — we exchange ideas, but I am a lone reader. I fancy a book club someday just to get the feel of it.
  4. Parting Words:
    • As a devoted reader, what advice or encouragement would you offer to those who are looking to cultivate a deeper love for reading or embark on their own literary adventures? Books offer me an escape into the imaginative world, allowing me to explore my brain capacity to think, feel and visualize. I know for some it gets boring, but you just need to hold on a little longer. Start small — one page, heck one paragraph, and with time you will be doing trilogies in days. Also, its okay to buy a book because it smells nice.

Kelvin Mulwa

Kelvin Mulwa is an ICT professional, Bible student and teacher of the Word who is passionate about leadership training for young people.

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4 thoughts on “My library is full of puritan authors

  1. Very interesting. I like how her love for books influences where to live. God bless her and thanks for the inspiration

  2. Oh amazing.
    I aspire to read but i truly haven’t Mastered the art of it! This makes me feel bad.
    At the beginning of the year, i had promised myself to read atleast 12 books, just to find myself in the second read now in the start of September.
    Sometimes i feel like i am a failure cos i truly wanted and still want to read.

    Who can invite me into a book club? Preferably within Nairobi or online.

  3. Other than loving the fact that she is reformed and a lover of the Puritans , I got laughing at the fact that she also buys books because they also smell nice.haha. I just love the smell of books. It becomes even nicer when one is done reading that particular book. Haha

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