July 3, 2024
black father supporting son on log

Lessons on trust from my son

By Ory Olindo

A recent incident in our house revealed what it means to trust in God fully and take Him at his word.

Our older son carries a packed lunch of leftovers from the previous night’s dinner. On this particular day, dinner was so delicious we cleared everything in one sitting. As the young man is not on the school lunch program, we agreed that his father would send lunch money for the following day through the class teacher.

The next day, around lunchtime, I was on the phone with my husband. I asked him if he had sent the lunch money as agreed, only to find that he had forgotten. We quickly ended our conversation so that he could send the money. Later that evening after the young man returned home, I asked him about lunch. He responded that by the time the teacher came with the payment, he had already received his lunch voucher and was waiting for his food. When I asked how that was possible as by then the payment for lunch had not been made. His response blew me away. He simply said that his father had said he would pay for lunch, so he went into the lunch queue. I was speechless. 

The young man took his father at his word.

My thoughts turned to my relationship with God. So many times and in many ways, God speaks to, encourages, and directs me. Yet, more often than not, I am second-guessing Him, brushing Him off, trying to do things in my way. The result is that I mess up and find myself running back to God to help me sort things out. Yet, had I taken Him at His word from the beginning, things would have been so much easier.

God calls us to trust in him. Throughout scripture, there is the recurring theme of the Father’s heart yearning for His children to put their trust in Him. Are we, his children, willing to work through our trust issues and past hurts, and put our trust in our Father?

Ory  Olindo is a Nairobi-based mom, mentor, trainer, creative and writer at Mama’s Tool Kit.

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