July 3, 2024

She serves those facing giants

By Tohru Inoue

Rose seems soft-spoken. That is, until she talks about things she’s passionate about. She wants everyone to come to the knowledge of Jesus. She is a determined soul.

I was impressed with the way she spoke with such passion. She disciples youth in the southern region of Kenya. But it’s some of her work in the North that caught my attention.

Rose Oluoch has a heart for servants in hard places facing continuous persecution and danger. Places where Christians face daily danger for sharing their faith. Places where Christians have died for their faith. She visits these missionaries.

She and some 45 women are part of a “women in mission” group. They set aside Ksh2,500 annually each towards helping these missionaries. They pool their money together and divide the work of visiting frontline workers, bearing food baskets.

Like the shepherd-boy David going to the front line to drop off food for his brothers, these women tuck into the front lines and serve those facing giants.

The missionaries they visit are often people who wonder if their work is making any difference; those who seem chronically under-supported and seldom celebrated. These are Kenyan missionaries reaching some of the hardest communities on earth. To them, Rose, together with women in the mission team, brings a bit of food, a listening ear and her soft-spoken voice willing to utter prayers on their behalf.

For these missionaries, sometimes that prayer is what makes the difference. There are not many that venture out into the deserts of northern Kenya to see what’s there. What would you go out into the desert to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, but you may find wretched saints, some who are just hanging on by a thread. And you will find Rose and her team there too. They go there to tell her brothers and sisters that they are loved, that we are proud of them, and that they are doing good work.

And that’s important to her.

How you can pray:

For provision of the funds Rose is trying to collect to book an Air BnB for 20-40 workers to provide a short time to rest. She doesn’t know where the money will come from. It’s an act of faith.

For God to raise partners in ministry for frontline African workers.

For God to protect frontline workers and for them to be able to best serve their host communities.

Tohru Inoue serves as a missionary with SIM Kenya

6 thoughts on “She serves those facing giants

  1. Thank you Brother Tohru for writing my story, my heart goes out to those African frontier missioners who labour for the Lord, Jesus said the work is plenty but the labourers are few, math 9:37.
    It’s then important that the body of Christ care’s for these few labourers who go through many challenges as they serve, my purpose is to care for them and advocate for their well being in every aspect.. through experience as an African missionary I Know if it’s not for the calling it’s very easy to quit service because of the struggles and persecution some frontier missionaries go through… let’s hold hands and care for them otherwise we will loose on the harvest if we lack labourers.

  2. Sister Rose,more grace as you serve in this mission. Such a noble task and your reward is sure.God bless you and the entire team

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