July 3, 2024

Christians in Kenya call for peace in Gaza

The Evangelical Alliance of Kenya has appealed for cessation of hostilities and de-escalation of war in Gaza to save lives and livelihoods.

The association in a statement issued on October 11 said it condemns all acts of terrorism and aggression aimed at innocent civilians.

“We urge the international community not to foment war but to mediate for a peaceful Gaza,” EAK said.
It urged for a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through dialogue and peaceful means.

“We urge the international community to stop funding and/or arming terrorism… meanwhile we invite all Christians and Kenyans to stand in prayer for Israel and her neighbors so that peace may be found for all God’s people.”

On Saturday October 7. Hamas terrorists attacked Israeli security posts and homes, killing over 1,000 people and abducting more than 100 others.
In response, Israel declared war, and has since responded with air strikes and artillery firing and the war continues to escalate, leaving thousands of Palestinians dead and injured and hundreds of thousands displaced. Gaza’s 2.2 million residents are running out of food, fuel, electricity and water, after Israel’s government ordered a “complete siege” and cut off all of Gaza’s supplies in response to Hamas’s attack. The situation is especially dire in hospitals.

Human Rights Watch confirmed in a statement released Thursday that white phosphorus was used over the Gaza City port on Wednesday, after interviewing two witnesses who noted the stifling smell of white phosphorus.
They condemned the use of the chemical, which can severely burn people and set fire to civilian structures, in such a densely populated area.

The Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) is the national Umbrella organization for evangelical churches in Kenya, representing more than 900 denominations and over 10 million Christians in Kenya.

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