In the vast landscape of hymns and spiritual songs, “Amazing Grace” stands out like a radiant star. Its message of redemption and hope has touched countless hearts, making it one of the most beloved hymns of all time. But do you know the fascinating story behind this timeless classic? Let’s dive into the journey of “Amazing Grace” and its author, John Newton.
The Author: John Newton
John Newton was born in London in 1725 and lived in a time when the slave trade was thriving. As a young man, he became involved in the slave trade industry, serving as a captain of slave ships. This cruel and inhumane trade subjected countless Africans to unspeakable suffering, and Newton himself was a harsh and unrepentant participant in this brutal practice.
A Life-Changing Experience at Sea
In 1748, while on a voyage from Africa to England, Newton’s life took a dramatic and life-altering turn. His ship encountered a violent storm in the Atlantic, and it was during this terrifying tempest that he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Confronted by the imminent threat to his life, he cried out to God for mercy. The storm passed, and Newton saw this as a divine intervention.
Conversion and Redemption
This life-threatening experience marked the beginning of a significant transformation in John Newton’s life. He slowly turned away from his involvement in the slave trade and began a deep exploration of Christian faith. Newton became a devout Christian and began studying theology. He was ordained as a minister in the Church of England and eventually became a prominent preacher and hymnwriter.
Writing “Amazing Grace”
The inspiration for “Amazing Grace” came from Newton’s own journey of redemption and his understanding of God’s mercy. He penned the lyrics to the hymn to express the profound change he had experienced. The words of “Amazing Grace” spoke of a sinner saved by God’s grace, a theme that resonated with many people who had experienced their own spiritual transformations.
Here’s an excerpt from the hymn from
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.