Wars and rumors of war
rights and wrongs guns and bombs
nation rises against nation
kingdom against kingdom.
Famines and earthquakes
floods and pestilence
betrayals and persecutions
False Messiahs
perform great signs
Faith abandoned
consciences seared
to follow deceiving spirits
and things taught by demons,
Wickedness marching
on love grown cold
against God and people,
Many bearing a form of godliness
About the day or hour
no one knows
not the angels in heaven
or the Son
but only the Father.
Do not be anxious
and do not worry
do not shrink back,
it is folly
for the days of trouble come upon you
they will be shortened
for the sake of the elect
It’s the promise of the Son.
When the deceivers say
‘there he is!’
believe it not
receive them not,
As the lightning in the east is seen the west
so will the coming of the Son of Man manifest.
Hold fast to the hope you profess
He is faithful
who gave the promises
Spur one another to love and good deeds
even more as the Day approaches
He who is coming will come