July 3, 2024
white daisy flower bloom

Speak life, be light

When the year began, a close friend wryly observed, ‘we are in for some tough times ahead!’ I was inclined to immediately agree but then I stopped my nod of agreement midway. The reason for that was not because his observation was wrong; indeed there is plenty of depressing evidence for that everywhere if you care to look and even if you are not out looking for it.

I halted midway because of the Word that the Holy Spirit had reminded me of at the dawn of the year. The word was from Psalm 16:5-6. “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

I am glad that the Spirit led me to these verses because they have served as a reminder that God has got me. There are situations that clamour for my attention. Most of them are clothed in negative depressing and hopeless attire. They reach out incessantly for my attention, inviting me to agree with their foreboding outlook. They call out to me to give up hope, to see that there is no use trying. Then I remember that whatever happens, God is my hope.

You see, there is a path that God has laid out for me, and if I keep walking with Him, He will surely bring me to victory, no matter what is happening, which includes the decline of the shilling, the stagnating economy, the war in Ukraine and the Gaza strip and countless other grim happenings.

Interestingly, one of the things that I had also consciously chosen to do this year was watch what I was saying. I had realised I was not bringing much light and life to conversations, especially on issues to do with my country. I’m not talking about burying our heads in the sand. If anything, things will get grimmer. Our savior did not mince words about it and if you have had any interactions with the book of Revelation, you know it will get darker. In fact, by what is happening globally right now, we are just in the beginnings of the season. Now that we have that settled and we know it’s not changing, what should our response be as believers? Should we also let ourselves be consumed by the blanket of doom and gloom, eagerly contributing to every joy-sucking life-extinguishing and cynical conversation? When we speak with the same hopelessness and unbelief as unbelievers, what exactly are we saying?

First, I believe this is the season God is calling us to make firm our faith. Do you really know the God with whom you are in a relationship with? If you do not, then maybe it is time you asked Him to take you deeper. If you have been walking for any length of time with Him, then you must have at some point tasted and seen His goodness. If for some reason, your walk with Him is shallow, commit to actively seek Him. He is not a God who is far from us. He has promised in His Word that we will indeed find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.

A shaky relationship with God hinged on a weekly service and an occasional spiritual high induced by a well-composed song will not make the cut! If you have not known Him deeply as Father and accepted your own sonship, you will be shaken.

In the word

Knowing God also means being in His Word. God’s Word reminds you of who He is and who you are in Him. His Word also contains His promises to you. How will you be confident of your destiny in God if you do not know what He says? There’s a no longer subtle but incessant persistence by the enemy for you to give up and give in to the increasing darkness. If you do not ground yourself in the Word, you will not be able to counter the enemy’s arrows.

When you have soaked yourself in the Word, the Holy Spirit will bring it to remembrance when you need it to strengthen you even when things appear to be going south. That is how we secure our victory; in the same way our savior did when the devil came to tempt Him at the beginning of His ministry.

Do not be less than God has created you to be or give away your birthright for some temporary reprieve because you do not know what you Father says about you. Our savior came that we may have abundant life, even in the midst of turmoil.

Second, we are the light of the world, the salt of the earth, a city set on a high hill and the lamp that has been put on the table to illuminate the spaces we are in. We have not been called to conform, shrink, camouflage, blend in or agree with the world. We have been given a responsibility to call out what is wrong and evil, but sometimes it seems that we aggressively do that and stop there. But that is only half the work. And when we stop there, there is no difference between us and those who are complaining but don’t have a relationship with God. We complain and become bitter and actually start to put our hope in men. We forget that the story does not end with man but with God.

Why are many believers also gradually falling prey to the clutches of perennial depression and hopelessness, some even committing suicide? I can’t claim authority on the subject, but the scriptures say that there will be a falling away. Many are seduced by the company they keep, which affects their worldview. For instance, if you dare watch the news regularly, you are almost assured that the top five new items have to do with corruption, bad politics, gender-based violence, murders or road accidents. A steady diet of that coupled with more analysis later with one’s colleagues or friends and one’s own personal troubles will slowly but effectively draw one away from God.

As ambassadors of Christ, we are to consciously guard our hearts because a major part of our business is to influence others for the Kingdom of God. If our countenance is no different from theirs, then there is nothing to attract them. The scriptures say that the Kingdom of God consists of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If our speech is always coloured by fear, anxiety, doubt, worry and hopelessness in the worldly fashion, then we rob ourselves and others the opportunity to experience the joy of the Lord that is available for us who believe. They walk away untouched by the light and hope that is in us. Christ is in us and we are in Him; He is the hope of glory. We can choose every day and in every season to let Christ shine through every conversation more so in these days when many are in desperate need for a reason to hope, even to live.

As Isaiah prophesied, darkness covers the earth yet again, and thick darkness is over the people but the Lord rises upon you and I, His glory appears over you and I.

What will you do with your light? Will you let Christ in your life lead many to Himself or will you dim Him and live without hope?

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. -1 Peter 3:15

Olive Ngoe

Olive Ngoe is a leadership development trainer, speaker, coach, author, blogger and a follower of Christ who is intentional about personal growth and leadership of young people. She blogs at https://olivengoe.wordpress.com/

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