July 3, 2024

Rwandan missionary reaching Muslims in Coastal Kenya

Since 2017, Missionary A* has been on a remarkable journey in Kenya. In a recent conversation, we caught up with him to hear his inspiring story.

In 2017, I got on a bus from Rwanda and headed to Kenya to become a missionary. I was delighted to be going as a missionary cross-culturally, but still very anxious to be in a different country with different cultures and behaviors.

One of my greatest fears was the Kenyan matatu culture. As a Rwandan, our transport system is pretty polite. I arrived in a city where matatus (public transport vehicles) cruised in the CBD at 80KPH, honking loudly. I took off to save my life and stood on the sidewalk to rethink my life choices.

The bus conductors were pulling people like playdough, and the cops were asking me for tea. I didn’t know how to make instant tea for the cops. I didn’t think I’d survive for a day, but it’s been six years!  

I married a sweet Kenyan girl, and we have been in our current mission field posting for three years. We can say, like David, “We have never seen the righteous forsaken or our children begging for bread.”

We reach the people here through sports, tuition, movies and Bible study. We now have a group of 100 young people. We have seen the transformation and deliverance, and many give their lives to Christ. M* is one of them.

M* is a Digo and a 23-year-old Form 4 student. He joined our Bible study a year ago. A few months ago, he started experiencing spiritual attacks and such strange dreams that he could not sleep. Demons threatened to kill him every day.

We realized he needed more prayers, but we wanted him to encounter Jesus unaided. We asked him to pray for himself and read some scriptures. He met Jesus, and the demonic attacks stopped. He became a Christian and is now helping others come to Christ.  

I have seen and heard some Digo believers confess boldly that they chose to die for Christ. I count this as one of the most outstanding achievements in my life. As a Muslim background believer, I know how deep and genuine that confession is.

We’re the only missionaries in one of the towns on the Kenyan South Coast. One of my most resounding cries is for more Christian workers to come and join us.

Please pray:

  • For our Muslim background believers to be stronger in the faith so they may continue to share about Christ in the community even in our absence.
  • For more workers among the Muslims of Coastal Kenya. The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few.
  • For financial support for us and other missionaries.
  • For the new program we are going to adapt in the next few months.

*Name concealed for security purposes.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Mercy Kambura

Mercy Kambura is a communication specialist, creative writer and story teller at https://himizaafrika.wordpress.com/

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