July 3, 2024

The pursuit of holiness

Author: Jerry Bridges

Reviewer: Oloo Laurine

“The Pursuit of Holiness” by Jerry Bridges is a timeless classic in Christian literature, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for those seeking to grow in their faith and lead a life marked by holiness.
Its main theme is the need for increasing pursuit by believers for the holiness of life, which God — whose holiness is ever gratefully remembered — can alone make possible.
Bridges uses the word pursuit to show that this is a process and it takes effort, but effort here is not one’s own strength but the willingness of heart to change through the help of the Holy Spirit.
This classic was published in 1978, but the book’s enduring relevance continues to resonate with readers seeking to deepen their relationship with God and live out their faith authentically.
In the preface, the author gives an illustration of a farmer and the efforts he puts in order to get a good harvest. A farmer ploughs his field, sows the seeds, fertilises and weeds, all the while knowing that in the final analysis, he is utterly dependent on forces outside of himself. He knows he cannot cause the seeds to germinate, nor can he produce the rain and sunshine for growing and harvesting the crop. He depends on God for a successful harvest, yet he still has a responsibility to play. He must be diligent on his part, plow, sow, fertilize and weed.
Bridges uses this to explain the pursuit of holiness as a joint venture between God and the Christian. No one can attain any degree of holiness without God working in them, but just as surely no one will attain it without effort on his own part. God has made it possible for us to walk in holiness. But He has given us the responsibility of doing the walking.
He says, Christians enjoy talking about God’s provision in making us holy, how Christ defeated sin on the cross and gave us his Holy spirit to empower us to victory over sin, but we don’t readily want to talk about our responsibility to walk in holiness; and this is a problem.
Not an add-on
Bridges begins by addressing a fundamental aspect of Christian life – the pursuit of holiness. He emphasises that holiness is not an optional add-on for believers but is at the core of what it means to follow Christ. Throughout the book, he underlines the necessity of daily sanctification, making it clear that it’s not about attaining perfection but rather a continuous journey towards becoming more like Christ.
The author’s writing style is clear, straightforward and filled with biblical references, making it accessible to a broad range of readers. He skillfully blends theology and practical application, providing concrete steps to help readers put holiness into practice in their daily lives.
Bridges stresses the importance of personal responsibility, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the need for disciplined effort to achieve holiness.
One of the book’s strengths is its focus on heart transformation, highlighting the significance of addressing the root issues of sin rather than merely modifying behaviour. Bridges encourages readers to examine their motives, attitudes and desires, which are central to pursuing holiness. 
Throughout the book, Bridges dispels common misconceptions about holiness, such as the idea that it is an unattainable or legalistic concept. He emphasises that holiness is a joyful journey that draws believers closer to God, bringing them into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him and is the distinctive mark between believers and non-believers.
“The Pursuit of Holiness” is a well-structured and concise book, making it suitable for both individual and group study. It includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter, facilitating personal reflection and group discussions. This makes it an excellent resource for small group studies, Sunday school classes or personal devotion.
Bridges has also added footnotes from books he referenced, making this so much more authentic. Firstly, it is him admitting that he doesn’t have all the knowledge in the world on holiness but also, he acknowledges that there are other authors who have written about this subject and his is to add onto what is already existing. He has also admitted in many instances his weakness and battle with this subject, his own struggles with sin and how God helped him through. I think this served his writing well because the reader could reason and see they are not alone and that there is hope in Christ.
Reading this book, I was convicted of my own sin and the laxity I have in dealing with it. Praying that I will grow in holiness but not wanting to get anywhere close to the things I have hidden in my heart — most which I  know about as I do know what I have to do to stop entertaining them. I felt challenged and rebuked reading this but my heart was not left to despair because I knew I could set my eyes and heart on someone higher than me and seek for His forgiveness. I was also able to instantly bring to an end certain things I have been tolerating from the great convictions I got reading this book.
In conclusion, Jerry Bridges’ “The Pursuit of Holiness” is a must-read for anyone seeking to grow in their faith and live a life that reflects Christ. It remains a relevant and practical guide for Christian living, offering biblical wisdom and insights to help readers navigate the lifelong journey of pursuing holiness. Bridges’ focus on the heart and his emphasis on the grace of God make this book a cherished resource for Christians looking to deepen their spiritual walk.

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