By Philip Gitau
Quite often our Maker addresses us like we would a peer. He is a humble Master. He uses language that you would with your deskmate in primary school or dear cousin as you stroll towards Cúcùs house. He doesn’t use the complex algorithms that He sustains our little-understood anatomy with or the quantum physics that holds up the stars in nothingness.
God says via His messenger Micah, “He has told you O man, what is good” O man, sounds like ‘Yo Phil, si we do this?’, ‘Mamaa, si you wait for me we go together…’ It’s a dear appeal and it wouldn’t be any less from Him since He’s always been there in our lives.
Many times He’s far away, because we don’t like His ways. We don’t believe He’s got the whole world in His hands.
He saw us when we were a basic life form, almost amoeba-like, and He now sees us when we can make a few temporary developments and adjustments on rusty, dusty earth and are swelling like puffer fish in pride.
How close He’d love to be to us! I sometimes, by His amazing mercy and grace, feel the need, nudge or just an inexplicable inkling to read His word, or pray as I reflect on Him. That hunch is not out of my goodness or desire for Him, no! It’s Him saying, ‘Bro, we’ve not hangout today; so how about we talk?’
The LORD of heaven and earth (with their unfathomable complexities) desires to relate to us. It was and remains His original plan with us despite our hard headedness.
So often He knocks gently, taps our shoulder with words like, “Come let us reason together…” and he goes on to address our biggest challenge, sin.
Even to the hard-nosed Judeans who would rather stone a woman than remember their own similar indecencies, He still said “Jerusalem, Jerusalem… how I have wished to gather you as a hen gathers it’s chicks…but you were unwilling”!
He is the LORD of mercy, issuing plea after solicitation for our souls. He’s a good God. May I lean on Him. May you too.
He gives us many mornings, many evenings during our stay on this life under the sun. He helps us get a glimpse, and sometimes a very real awareness of Him by what He’s created around and in us. But if you’re a Christian who believes the Bible is His inspired Word, then He shows Himself in clear, sharp and unmistakable gentleness and radiance!
If you’re shamed and full of scandalous sin He would say, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.”
If your heart is burning for some truth, He makes it easy, like he did to the short taxman, that strained to catch a glimpse and climbed the Sycamore to behold the Truth. He says, “Today I must dine at your house”. Eternal, life-giving Truth will seat at your sofa tonight if you want Him.
Again, like your classmate would say, “Do you have hot water we make a cuppa cocoa?”
The indescribable Curator, most creative Content Creator, always wants to hang out. Oh! And what easiness results from being with Him! When I draw near to Him, I won’t be making ugly faces, yelling and pointing fingers at others like I shamefully did the other day at the train station. Sigh!
He assures and balances me and reminds me He is LORD of all. He’s got all of my minutes in His hands.
So 2025 is still young, make a plan. And when those fail, still return, for He is your fan and you’ll never have a more consequential One.
Help us to love You more LORD so someday there will be no barriers between us your mortal earthlings and Your all satisfying presence.
Philip Gitau is a striving Christian who desires to draw closer to Christ and be more captivated by His amazing love. He is married and currently has three children. Philip studied business and is an entrepreneur. His free day may be easily spent at the Nairobi National Park or Oloolua Nature Trail.